Monday, March 30, 2015

Me and My Broken Heart


Hye friends...

So, how you're doing? Hopefully everybody are fine. me.. yeah fine.. just having a hectic life as a students. Gonna ask you guys something.. have you ever feel a broken heart.. like your heart are crash into pieces..

This is what i feel right now.. it is not because of love or what. but just..maybe friends.. A friend that i really treasure and suddenly turn to be someone else.. someone that i think far away like what i used to know him/her.. hurmmm.. :( a feeling that hardly to describe.. maybe i expect too much.. at first, it just fine for me.. but when time goes by, he/she started not to talk to me.. yeah me myself not even start the conversation..maybe that my fault as well. but i'm a bit awkward now to talk to him/her.. it feels like stranger now between us.. and what makes me feel more irritated is that, now she/he not even looking at me.. i smile at you.. and when i realize you turn your face away.. my heart cry.. T.T Maybe we can't be like what we used to be before. The time when you treat me like your true friend, share your stories, buying me delicious food and what not... it just a memories now.. a memories that hardly for me to erase..

Anyway, i wanna thanks you for spending those precious time with me.. i would never forget your kindness. and sorry if i do wrong and that make us apart..

Tears of blood fall from my broken heart 
I never thought we would be apart
When you held me you said "forever"
Now that you're gone I know you meant "never"

If you leave someone at least tell them why, because what's more painful than being abandoned; is knowing you're not worth an explanation.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

ACCA Accelerate Programme


I just got an opportunity to further study in ACCA Accelerate Programme. Alhamdulillah. Yeah I know, it just an offer.. and its not even gonna start now. Approximately, it will start around the end of this year which is when i'm in part 6. Based on this programme, I already exempted for 9 papers and just need to continue five more. Yeah FIVE!! So, when i'm in part 6, insha-allah i'll be taking P1 paper and P3 paper during my part 8.. The rest will be done after i completed my degree in accountancy. Actually, i still hesitant.. still thinking of this things.. hurmmm.. it is not an easy task at all.. but seeing it as an opportunity, why not i just try... moreover, this is the last batch for the accelerate programme. So, i made up my mind.. since i already register for it.. i'm gonna follow the flow. Just believe in ALLAH.. Nothing i can ask unless from him... If my 'rezeki" to further ACCA is already fated.. then i just go for it.. Insha-Allah.. :D But yeah it is not confirm yet.. just wait and see what i'm gonna do after this..hehehe  Now, i just have to concentrate on my degree first.. GOOD LUCK Nadia.. You can do it.. *support diri snediri* 

wishing for you guys support.. THANKS :)

Friday, February 20, 2015

Fate or Luck

Rezeki tu Allah yang tentukan.. 
Remember.. we did all this because of Allah.. 
Accept what he gives to us.. because all this are temporary..
Kalau bukan sekarang.. mungkin nanti-nanti
but the things is..

Allah takkan bebankan hamba-Nya dengan apa yang dia tak mampu!

Hidup tak selalunya indah
Tak selalunya ada pelangi
Kadang-kadang... bilamana ‘malapetaka’ tu datang,
Terasa macam kena gelek ke bumi dek lori balak
Rasa macam dah tak mampu bangun...
Rasa macam dah tak mampu bernafas
Rasa macam dah tak cukup tanah nak berlari ...
" live well or hell you choose May Allah bless...."
whatever it is..
say Alhamdulillah

Friday, January 16, 2015



Final kali ni aku rasa susah sangat... tidak semudah diploma dulu.. i've never feel this way where i study so hard.. i admit i still play quiet a lot.. but this time i still try to obey my schedule... all works are done on what i've plan.

It pretty shaking when i first open the exam paper.. the feel is like its gonna end within 5 minutes which actually there is more than two hours left.. when i look at the questions, i just wondering.. what the question really want.. i can't think at all.. it makes me more nervous.. i stay for a while and start thinking of Allah.. Istighfar.. itu je pesan mak and ayah kt aku bila kita tak mampu nak buat apa2.. aku selawat banyak2.. even not all i can remember what i have read..but i think Allah helps me a lot.. Allah bagi ilham untuk aku menulis.. syukurnya tak terhingga..

Now i realize.. ada hikmah for something happened.. reflect balik diri kita.. solat cukup tak.. baca quran.. faham tak apa yang kita baca tu.. tak salah pon kalau kita tak mampu nak dapat good results.. yang penting usaha.. semua tu hal duniawi.. don't get too stress with these kind of things. Ada rezeki mesti benda tu milik kita.. Usaha . Doa . Tawakal..

ingat.. apa pon yang kita buat niatlah kerana Allah.. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Hari Jubah Se-UiTM

hi friends.. assalamualaikum 

alhamdulillah, finally i just graduated from Diploma in Accountancy.. yeah i know.. diploma ja pon.. 
but hey, it was the sweet moment ever in my life..  sukahati la kan nk action pon.. hehehe
anyway to anybody that already holds masters or Phd or what not.. congratulations as well..
so, give me the opportunity to share those remarkable event in my life :D

basiclly, tak semua benda manis time diploma ni.. problems with friends, assignments and macam2 lagi lah.. but those things yang buat kita lebih kuat.. lebih yakin utk bejaya..
but alhamdullillah, i finally graduated. 

greatest thanks to Allah cause granting me all my wishes.. 
Parents & family (Mashita & Mohd Sadek)
Sponsership (JPA)
Lecturers & teachers 
Friends (housemates, classmates ...)

my heartbeat

kawan since high school.. tak pernah sangka kita grad sama2.. hehe love you

kawan yang tak pernah penat layan aku and ajar aku macam2.. love you

with sifu-sifu..

part of the housemates 


Wednesday, January 7, 2015


The best friendship i ever had in my life.. they're just awesome the way they are.. thanks for being part of my life... 

anyway this is just a pre-convo photoshoot for AC111B.. 

the cooking team back there who were standing.. 

 the girls

housemates for the past 2 years and still counting.. :D

congrats to me for finishing the Diploma in Accountancy with flying colours.. ihiks
bila lagi kan nk masuk bakul angkat sendiri.. hehe

actually this event was held two or three days before convocation days which was on 26/11/2014

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Had Maksimum Pinjaman Perumahan


Pebentangan budget 2015 sudah pun berlalu dan saya bukan pandai utk memberi ulasan kerana kurang arif berkenaan hal ekonomi.

Apa yg ingin saya tarik perhatian yg membaca ialah utk kongsikan had maksimum pinjaman kerajaan dinaikkanlah menyebabkan faktor (salah satu ) harga rumah melambung.
Ini dibuktikan dari Rm 250,000 ke RM 450,000 maka harga rumah semua pada julat tersebut. Saya amat risau kerana belanjawan kali ini dinsikan dari RM 450,000 ke RM 600,000. Keadaan ini pasti menyebabkan pemaju perumahan akan mengambil kesempatan. Andaian saya harga rumah min dari RM 3,000++ bagi mereka yg bergaji kecil nampu beli.

Sbg bukti skim perumahan belia harga yg ditawarkan rm 500,000
Utk bayar balik pinjaman Sby RM 500,000 kadar 4% setahun selama 30 tahun bayaran bulanan RM 2,700.00 sebulan. Bagaimana naj bayar kalau gaji bulanan kaki tangan awam yg ada ijazah pun RM 2500.00 .
utk mampu bayar hanya mereka yg gred 48 ke atas sahaja mampu  namun terpaksa ikat perut utk pekara yg lain.

Andai gaji Gred 48 RM 5000++ termasuk elaun maka ditolak pinjaman perumahan masih ada RM3000.00
Harap pikir mereka yg gaji rendah bukan utk mereka yg gaji besar.

Doa moga Allah Rahmati kita..